Sea Princesses Wiki

[Marcello and Ester are sneaking around a shark]
Marcello and Ester: [laughing]
Shark: [gurgling]
Marcello and Ester: [laughing, then pause] Gotcha! [laughing]
Shark: [growling]
Ester: Did you see it?
Marcello: Did you see what we did?
Polvina: We saw it? Should we be impressed?
Ester: Very.
Marcello: Lots!
Tubarina: We’ve had trouble with that shark before, but you shouldn’t have teased him.
Marcello: He’ll get over it. He’s a big boy.
Polvina: Is that it for the dares?
Tubarina: Can we go home now?
Marcello: You could, but you’d miss an even better dare!
Ester: A better dare than tagging a shark?
Marcello: It’s the best dare.
Ester: The best? Is it climbing to the top of your big head, because I wouldn’t want to fall from there.
Marcello: One word. Blowhole.
Ester: One word. So?
Marcello: I dare you to ride the blowhole!
Tubarina: Ride the blowhole?
Polvina: You can’t be serious!
Ester: Marcello isn’t serious if he thinks that is his best dare.
Marcello: I don’t hear you saying you’ll do it.
Ester: Because I’m busy, [yawn] yawning at how lame your dare is.
Marcello: If it’s so lame, then do it.
Ester: I will. Bring it on!
Polvina: Give up the dares, Ester. You’ve proved that girls can be as brave as boys.
Ester: I can’t back down now, not from Marcello.
Tubarina: Why don’t you stop it now? You’ve proven your point.
Marcello: And back down from Ester? Not me.
Ester: So this is the blowhole? Humph. I feel another yawn coming on.
Marcello: You can still back out if you’re so scared.
Ester: The lameness of this dare is the only scary thing about it.
[blowhole starts sucking]
Tubarina: Let’s get out of here.
Polvina: It’s coming!
Ester: I’m so bored I can’t even yawn.
Marcello: You won’t be yawning soon. You’ll be screaming-
Ester and Marcello: [screaming as they are sucked in and out of the blowhole]
Ester: [panting] We did it!
Marcello: We rode the blowhole!
Ester and Marcello: [screaming as they are sucked in and out of the blowhole again]
Marcello: That’s it for me.
Ester: We’re out of here. [blowhole starts sucking again] No we’re not!
Ester and Marcello: [screaming as they are sucked in and out of the blowhole again]
Polvina: We’ve got to rescue them!
Tubarina: Not just yet.
Ester and Marcello: [screaming as they are sucked in and out of the blowhole again]
Polvina: Now?
Tubarina: Hmm… one more.
Ester and Marcello: [screaming as they are sucked in and out of the blowhole again]
Tubarina: Oh, they’re done.
Polvina: [throws a line of seaweed] Grab it!
Ester and Marcello: [screaming as they are sucked in to the blowhole again while Polvina and Tubarina pull]
Polvina: Are you both happy now?
Ester: Very!
Marcello: What a rush!
[they high-five each other]
Polvina: [moans]
Polvina: Haven’t you had enough dares, Ester?
Tubarina: We have, and we’re not even doing them!
Ester: I just need one more dare.
Polvina: What for?
Ester: A dare that Marcello will back down from. A dare he wouldn’t dare to do.
Polvina: You do know that he’s probably trying to think of the same thing right now.
Ester: That’s why I’ve got to come up with something good! The ultimate dare.
Tubarina: We’re not helping.
Polvina: I’m with you, Tubarina.
Ester: What is the ultimate dare? Hmm, what would it be? Breaking a law?
Polvina: [gasp] You wouldn’t, Ester!
Tubarina: You couldn’t do that!
Ester: I’m just thinking out loud.
Polvina: Oh, for a moment I thought you were going to break the First Law of Salacia.
Ester: The First Law of Salacia? Breaking that would be the ultimate dare. Thanks, Polvina!
Tubarina: We weren’t going to help her, Polvina!
Polvina: I didn’t mean- I wasn’t going to- Oh no, what have I done?
Ester: I dare you!
Marcello: You dare me? I dare you!
Ester: My dare is the ultimate dare.
Marcello: My dare is totally ultimate. More ultimate than your ultimate dare.
Ester and Marcello: More ultimate than showing yourself to a Drylander? [realise they had the same idea]
Marcello: Er, well not more. The same. That’s my dare!
Ester: So we’re daring the same dare? Are you in?
Marcello: I’m in. All the way.
Ester: Bring it!
Polvina: The First Law of Salacia is not to be seen by Drylanders. You can’t break it!
Ester: But that’s what makes it the ultimate dare.
Tubarina: If you show yourself, what if the Drylanders follow you? They could find Salacia.
Marcello: Ah, it won’t happen. Ester will back out before that.
Ester: As soon as we hit Dryland, you’ll be going full speed backwards!
Marcello: Just see if I do!
Ester: I’ll be seeing it and enjoying it too.
Polvina: Isn’t this getting a little childish?
Ester and Marcello: It’s not! [tongue flicking sounds]
Polvina: I guess I’m wrong.
Tubarina: We are not going any further.
Polvina: We’re not helping this time.
Marcello: Stay here then. We don’t need your help anyways!
Ester: We know what we’re doing.
Marcello: This is it.
Ester: All we have to do is jump on top and a Drylander will see us.
Marcello: Maybe more than one!
Ester: The more the better!
Marcello: If you’re gonna back out, this is the time to do it.
Ester: I’m not backing out, unless you’re backing out.
Marcello: Me? Not me, unless you are.
Ester: Never!
Marcello: Then why are we floating here, yapping?
Ester: Let’s do it!
Marcello: And… go!
Ester: Go now!
Marcello: This time… go!
Ester: Are you going?
Marcello: Are you going?
Ester: Heh. The first to say they’re not going is backing out of the dare.
Marcello: I’m not saying it, then.
Ester: And I’m not saying it. [pause] So, what do we do?
Marcello: Er, beats me.
Polvina: They’re going to get into trouble.
Tubarina: But we are not helping.
Polvina: We’re not helping.
Tubarina: But if we don’t help them, who will?
Polvina: And I know they’re going to get into trouble!
Tubarina: Oh, they always do, how is this different?
Polvina: It’s not. Let’s go help them!
Marcello: Any ideas yet?
Ester: We’re not going to back out of the dare.
Marcello: No way.
Ester: So, what if we change the dare?
Marcello: To what?
Ester: I dare you not to show yourself to a Drylander.
Marcello: You got it! And I dare you to get out of here right now!
Ester: Bring it on!
Marcello: Let’s go!
[more footsteps]
Ester: [gasp] What’s that?
[Drylanders march along the pier]
Drylander announcer: [“dougydoulapoo.”]
Marcello: What are those Drylanders doing?
Ester: Is it a race?
Marcello: Here? Now? Let’s go! [goes back down]
Ester: Not yet! What part of “not yet” confused you? [goes back down as well]
Drylander announcer: [says “bapayie,” then fires starting pistol]
[Drylanders begin swimming, Ester and Marcello surface]
Marcello: Ahh! What do we do?
Ester: Swim! Swim! Act like we’re two of them!
[Ester and Marcello begin swimming with the other Drylanders]
[Polvina and Tubarina surface]
Tubarina: What’s all that?
Polvina: Would it be a race?
Tubarina: Oh, Ester and Marcello can’t be anywhere near that.
Polvina: They’re not just near it, they’re in it! Look!
Tubarina: Oh, what are they doing?
Polvina: They’re leading the race!
Tubarina: Oh, there’s only one way to get them out of there. [goes back down]
Polvina: Tubarina?
Marcello: We’re winning, Ester! We’re winning!
Ester: But, we don’t want to win!
Marcello: We don’t?
Ester: All those Drylanders on the beach are waiting for the winner!
Marcello: We don’t want to win!
Ester: Back to the pack!
[Ester and Marcello go back down, then come back up]
Marcello: What now?
Ester: Keep our heads down and swim along until we can get away.
Polvina: I’ve lost them now. Where are they?
Tubarina: I’m here.
Polvina: I’m talking about Ester and Marcello. And where have you been?
Tubarina: Oh, just getting a little help.
Polvina: What help?
Tubarina: You’ll never guess who.
Marcello: Someone’s gonna notice we’re different.
Ester: We can’t get away! We’re surrounded!
[the shark from the start comes up]
Shark: [growling]
[the Drylanders get scared and scatter]
Marcello: Shark!
Ester: No, Marcello, he’s come to help us!
Shark: [growling]
Ester: …I think!
Shark: [gestures in a direction]
Ester: He is!
Ester: [panting] Can we stop for a little while?
Marcello: That was ugly.
Polvina: You can only blame yourselves.
Tubarina: You almost put Salacia in danger.
Ester: It’s okay. None of those Drylanders saw how different we were.
Marcello: All their attention was on the race.
Polvina: You were very lucky.
Ester: Nothing happened, and we’re not doing any more dares.
Marcello: You’re right. The dares are over.
Polvina: That’s fantastic. Way too late, but fantastic.
Tubarina: Now, you only have to thank someone.
Shark: [growling]
Ester: Uhhh, thank you.
Marcello: Thanks from me too!
Tubarina: A thank you isn’t quite enough. He’s got something for you to do.
[Ester and Marcello gulp]
Ester: What something?
[Ester and Marcello are massaging the shark]
Shark: [gurgling]
Ester: A back rub every day for a month?
Marcello: That’s not fair!
Tubarina: If you don’t like it, I dare you not to do it.
Marcello: You got it! I’m taking that dare.
Ester: Me too.
Marcello: See you later!
Shark: [growling]
Ester and Marcello: [screams, then laughs] We’re rubbing! We’re rubbing!