Sea Princesses Wiki

Shrimp: [blips]
[other shrimps blipping]
Polvina: This is the place, Camarina?
Ester: This is where your friends saw the monster?
[shrimps blipping]
Camarina: They say it was shiny with a huge bright eye.
Ester: How huge?
Tubarina: [points] Anything bigger than my nose is huge to a shrimp. Since when did we start listening to shrimp?
Polvina: Where are you going, Tubarina?
Tubarina: Back where I should have stayed – home. [to herself] Shiny with a huge bright eye, tell me another one!
[submarine noises]
Tubarina: Oh!
[submarine noises]
Tubarina: [gasp] It is a monster. And it does have a big bright eye.
Polvina: That’s no monster, Tubarina.
Ester: It’s Drylanders!
[shrimps blipping]
Camarina: You’re right, we should tell the kings and queens about this.
Tubarina: What’s the point? The Drylanders are moving away from here. It’s not like they’ll find our homes or anything.
Polvina: You want to bet?
Ester: [gasp] They’re heading towards the school!
Tubarina: What’s to worry? The school is invisible to outsiders, remember?
Ester: Hey, right! The new paint my father invented means the Drylanders can’t see any of our buildings.
Polvina: But he’s still experimenting with it. We don’t know if it works yet.
Ester: Of course it works. [uneasy] I think.
Polvina: And don’t you remember what Miss Marla said last week?
Tubarina: I remember. But the shrimp probably don’t know so you should tell them.
Ester: We’ll show them and you too.
Ester: You see this?
Polvina: The first lot of paint on the school wasn’t put on properly. We have to do it again.
Tubarina: I knew that! Miss Marla wants us all to help do it next term.
Ester: But it can’t wait till next term, not with the Drylanders around.
Polvina: We’ve got to repaint it now.
[shrimps blipping]
Ester: What do they want?
Camarina: They want to help paint the school too.
Tubarina: Them? They’re way too little.
[shrimps blipping]
Camarina: But they want to do something.
Tubarina: The best help they can give us is to stay out of our way.
Polvina: I’m sure there’ll be lots for them to do.
Tubarina: Like what?
[shrimps blipping]
Polvina: Like, uh...
[shrimps blipping]
Camarina: No, it’s nothing to do with you being small.
Tubarina: [hushed] It’s everything to do with that.
Camarina: It’s because, um…
[shrimps blipping]
Camarina: I’m not a very good liar.
Ester: You didn’t lie. We’ll find something for them.
Polvina: Yeah, and being small is OK. Size doesn’t matter at all.
Tubarina: Unless you’re very small. Like a shrimp.
[whale call]
Ester: Here comes Leia and her whale friends!
Polvina: And everyone else! With paint too.
Tubarina: Look at how much those whales can carry. See what I mean about being big? You just can’t beat it.
Camarina: Big? [sighs]
Polvina: [hushed] Tubarina!
Tubarina: What? What did I say?
Ester: We’ll have this paint job done in no time.
Polvina: We will if we don’t run out of paint.
Ester: We can’t have run out of paint. Isn’t Tubarina handing out more?
Polvina: Tubarina? Our paint’s run out.
Tubarina: I know it’s run out.
Ester: So, can we please have some more?
Tubarina: We’ve run out. There is no more.
Ester: But we haven’t even painted half the school.
Tubarina: Miss Marla says that we have to go ask the Starfish King.
Ester: Then let’s go ask him.
Starfish King: You need more paint?
Ester: Yes, Father. We’ve run out. Everyone’s run out.
Starfish King: Oh, I knew I should have made more.
Polvina: We have to get the school finished today, sir.
Tubarina: There are Drylanders nosing around right this minute.
Ester: We have to get more paint, Father.
Starfish King: We have plenty of paint. We just don’t have the special sand.
Polvina: What sand?
Starfish King: The paint only works if it’s mixed with a special sand. But we’ve used all our supply.
Polvina: Can’t we find some more, sir?
Starfish King: We’re looking for more but it’s proving impossible to find. I shouldn’t mope about, I must help with the search.
Ester: We’ll help too.
Tubarina: And the Drylanders, what about them?
Polvina: We should check them out. Whatever happens, they mustn’t go anywhere near the school.
[submarine noises]
Crab: [yelping]
Ester: They’re still here.
Tubarina: And they’re getting very close to our school.
Polvina: We should go and warn everyone.
Camarina: There’s nobody there.
Ester: How come?
Camarina: Everyone is out looking for the special sand.
Tubarina: Then we should look too.
Ester: But shouldn’t we try and keep the Drylanders away?
Polvina: We could do both.
Tubarina: How?
Polvina: The more eyes looking for the sand, the better, right?
Camarina: And I can get those eyes! [shrill call]
Ester: That’s how you call them?
[shrimps blipping]
Camarina: We need to find more special sand. So split up and look everywhere you can.
[shrimps blipping]
Ester: Now to keep those Drylanders away from the school.
Leia: [comes in] And small won’t help with that, it’s for someone big. Go!
[whales calling]
[submarine noises]
Leia: The whales will get their attention and lead them away.
[submarine noises]
[whales calling]
Leia: They should go now.
Ester: They should but they’re not.
Polvina: They’re still heading for the school.
Leia: How can they ignore whales?
Camarina: Maybe they don’t like whales.
Leia: Everyone likes whales. Even Drylanders! [leaves]
Polvina: The Drylanders must be looking for something else.
Camarina: Like what?
Ester: Who cares, as long as they don’t find our school.
Polvina: Big didn’t work, is it time for small?
Camarina: We can try! [shrill call]
Tubarina: [angrily] Isn’t there some other way you can call them?
[shrimps blipping]
Camarina: We need to stop those Drylanders seeing the school. Can you help?
[shrimps blipping]
Tubarina: There’s no way a bunch of shrimp can stop Drylanders.
Camarina: Just watch!
[submarine noises]
[shrimps blipping]
Polvina: They’ve blocked their view! The Drylanders can’t see.
Ester: Brilliant!
Camarina: Wherever the Drylanders go, my friends will go.
Polvina: All the Drylanders can see is shrimp.
Tubarina: OK, but they can’t do it forever.
Polvina: So we’d better get moving, then.
Ester: And find that special sand.
Shrimp: [blips]
Camarina: Already done!
Tubarina: You’re kidding me.
Camarina: Come and look for yourselves.
Tubarina: This isn’t some sort of shrimp joke, is it?
Camarina: You’ll see.
[shrimps blipping]
Tubarina: Where did they go?
Polvina: In there!
[shrimps blipping]
Tubarina: Is that the sand we need?
Ester: [gasp] That’s the stuff!
Tubarina: But how do we get it? We can’t fit through those holes.
Polvina: Why’s that?
Tubarina: Why? Well, because we’re too big, of course.
Polvina: [giggles] So?
Tubarina: [sarcastically] Oh, OK. We need someone small, and I wonder who that can be.
Camarina: Coming right up! [shrill call]
[shrimps blipping]
Tubarina: So they’re small enough to get into the cave, but how do they take the sand to the school? A grain at a time?
Polvina: Good idea, Tubarina.
Tubarina: It is?
Camarina: You know what to do?
[shrimps blipping]
Ester: Let’s get back to the school.
[shrimps blipping]
Tubarina: [amazed] They are doing it a grain at a time.
Ester: While they’re doing that, we should mix the sand with the paint.
Tubarina: Oh, we need to get everyone back to start painting.
Ester: That’s going to take forever.
Camarina: No, it won’t. I asked my friends to get everyone back here.
Tubarina: So where are they?
[whale call]
Polvina: That could be them.
Leia: We’re ready to paint again!
Ester: Thank goodness for the whales.
Tubarina: Right, there are some things that small shrimp just can’t do.
Polvina: Look again, Tubarina.
[shrimps blipping]
Ester: Wow! That’s what I call shrimp power.
Tubarina: OK, I give up. I promise never to say another bad word about shrimp again.
Camarina: Thank you, Tubarina.
Ester: Nice to hear you’re friends again but it’s not getting the school painted.
Polvina: Get your brushes, everyone!
Tubarina: I’m finished.
Ester: I’m almost there. Uh, just this one spot to do. Oh, and this one. And this one too.
Tubarina: Ester, it’s not a work of art. It’s a wall.
Polvina: Trust us, Ester, it’s done.
Ester: [uneasy] If you think so.
Camarina: Ester! Tubarina! Polvina! The Drylanders, they’re coming!
Ester: Everyone inside! Quickly!
[students rushing]
Tubarina: Let’s hope the paint has worked.
Polvina: There’s only one way to find out.
Camarina: Should I call my friends off?
Ester: Do it, Camarina.
Camarina: [shrill call]
[shrimps blipping]
[submarine noises]
Tubarina: Here it comes.
Polvina: Please don’t see the school.
[submarine noises]
[students cheering]
Tubarina: The paint did it!
Polvina: The Drylanders didn’t see the school!
Tubarina: [to Ester] So your father’s invention has worked!
Ester: It’s worked this time but who knows if it’ll keep on working.
Polvina: We don’t know how long the paint lasts.
Tubarina: But at least it saved us this time.
Ester: You bet!
[students cheering]
[shrimps blipping]
Polvina: Thank you, Camarina.
Tubarina: And thank you too, shrimp. I take back everything I said about you.
[shrimps blipping]
Ester: You were right, Polvina. Size doesn’t matter.
Tubarina: It means nothing at all.
Polvina: Hmm, maybe.
Ester: What do you mean, maybe?
Polvina: After everything that’s happened, I now think that size actually does matter.
Tubarina: What?
Polvina: Not the size of your body, but the size of your determination. And these shrimp have the biggest amount of determination I’ve ever seen.
[shrimps blipping]
Girls: [laughing]